Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Approaching Retirement with Confidence

Our mission is to help you achieve your financial goals, whether short or long term. In particular, we want you to face your retirement with confidence and optimism. Yet we often feel that the confidence and optimism we work to give you are often under attack by media news in regards to your retirement. If it's not Social Security's imminent demise, Medicare is on its deathbed and pensions are at risk.

With many demands on your time, it's likely that you haven't heard more than sound bites on these topics. However, with a good understanding of your own situation, you have taken the first step. Some points to consider:

• Have you clearly defined your financial goals for both the short and long term?
• Are you coordinating your investments with your short- and long-term goals?
• Do you make investments based on how they will help you meet your goals?

We can help you clarify your financial goals and design a sound financial plan to help you reach them. With the stresses of life and multiple demands on your time, a personal financial consultant is a necessity. We will be happy to work with you and plan for the future.

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